Dana Spindola

Dana Spindola is the Infectious Disease Surveillance Coordinator, and also coordinates the health department's response to animal exposures, and lead poisoning. Disease surveillance helps to reduce transmission of preventable disease through early detection, timely intervention and reporting, as well as education of the public. All cases are reported to Nebraska DHHS and the CDC electronic and confidentially, which in time helps to shape the government policies.
In her work, Dana collaborates and interacts with individuals and agencies from the community, schools, medical offices, hospitals, veterinarian clinics, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, other health departments, businesses, law enforcement, emergency preparedness professionals, and co-workers when the times are pressing, such as during the COVID19 pandemic.
When asked, "Why public health," Dana replied, "What is not to love? It's fascinating, never a dull moment, people really feel they are being helped, and you can see the effects for the better, both short and long term. And public health work, like home chores, is never ending."
Dana says her favorite or most rewarding thing about what she does is, "The learning process--always new things, ways, discovering, you can choose how much you want to learn about it and it always is for peoples’ improvement."