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Who We Are

About Us

The East Central District Health Department (ECDHD) is a state-approved district health department that provides public health services to its four-county service area of Boone, Colfax, Nance and Platte counties in Nebraska. 


ECDHD is governed by a board of directors that meet monthly.  The by-laws state that "The Board of Health shall initially consist of and at all times shall contain at least the following Board Members: one member of the Colfax County Board; one member of the Boone County Board; one member of the Platte County Board; one member of the Nance County Board; at least one physician; at least one dentist; one or more public spirited men or women interested in health of the community from Boone, Colfax, Nance, and Platte counties."

President:  Sheriff Ed Wemhoff

Vice President:  Dr. Matt Pieper

Secretary:  Connie Peters

Treasurer:  Ralph Horacek

Board Members:

John Harms

Dr. Robert Miller

Matthew Niewohner

Wendy Ramaekers

Dr. Victor Romero

Mary Staub

Terry Wendt