Jen Calahan, EDN Coordinator
Research has shown that the first three years of life are the most important time for learning in a child's life. ECDHD's Early Development Network provides early intervention services for families with children birth to age three with developmental delays and/or health care needs. Providing developmental supports and services early on improves a child's ability to develop and learn. Early intervention may also prevent or decrease the need for special help later. The goal of early intervention in Nebraska is to “open a window of opportunity” for families to help their children with special needs develop to their full potential.
Families of children with disabilities often need many different supportive services, including occupational, speech or physical therapy. These services help infants and toddlers grow and develop and also provide support for their families. The EDN Services Coordinator informs families about services available in the community, makes sure services are delivered smoothly and properly, and informs families about advocacy and support groups. Families are entitled to help from a Services Coordinator up to the time of the evaluation and after the evaluation if the child is verified as having a disability.
Contact EDN Coordinator Jennifer Calahan at (402) 564-4497 or toll free at (800) 564-2805.
You can also find more information about EDN on the state webpage at http://edn.ne.gov/cms/
Learn more about developmental milestones from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at: